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December 2019

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This is a web-journal, titled “Connecting the Dots”, that summarizes my first 3 months in Seattle doing my master study. During the time, I've been inspired numerous times; I've explored my interests; and I've tried to do meaningful things.


As the quarter comes to an end, I want to make a journal that captures my works and thoughts, as well as my journey throughout the 3 months. This includes what I learned about gender issues, what my life looked like in Seattle, and how I reflected in terms of culture. The whole idea is based on my core value, eternity, which is explained in a 3-minute video on the home page pop-up.

1. What my life looked like in Seattle
    Vulnerability: an intimate instagram diary
    Gallery: photos and vlogs

2. What I learned about gender issues
    Education: an editorial on proper sex education
    A Role Model: an interview with professor Nicole McNichols
    Volunteering: experience at Gender Diversity
    Freedom: documentary of an impressive BDSM panel

3. How I reflected in terms of culture
    Community: a map of my communities across cultures
    Taiwan: introducing my home
    Advocacy: an attempt to advocate for my country

December 2018

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As a band music fan and an amateur musician, I observed that many students play in bands in schools but few end up living a music career. Why do they have those music dreams, and why do they give up? Is the music industry in Taiwan so cruel? How did the successful bands overcome the obstacles?

This website includes photos, videos of band performances, articles, as well as interviews with students, current band players, and Chung-Hua Ni, nicknamed Taiwan's Father of Rock, a former album producer and music educator who successfully launched many famous albums and music artists.

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